Genoa 2008

21 - 22 May, 2008 - Transfog

TRANSFOG (TRANSlational and Functional Onco Genomics) Symposium is based on the results of an EC-funded Integrated Project aimed at establishing Europe's leadership in he field of cancer genomics. A joint effort has been developed involving leading academic and industrial grops towards the systematic identification and functional characterisation of novel cancer genes with a high diagnostic and therapeutic potential in breast, colon and lung cancer.
Click here to download the pdf program

22 May, 2008 - Training course of the OECI Accreditation e-tool for quality assessment and improvement for Cancer Centres

The OECI Working Group Accreditation decided to launch a series of pratical training courses on the experimental Accreditation e-tool to train the European Cancer Centres on the accreditation electronic process of self-evaluation through the quantitative and qualitative questionnaires. This third interactive course scheduled during the annual meeting of the OECI will allow great opportunities of interaction with the OECI centres interested in the "exercise"...
Click here to download the pdf program

22 May, 2008 - The International Clinical Trials' Day on Biotherapy of Cancer and Workshop of European networks of bio-immunotherapy of tumors

The Italian Network for tumor Biotherapy (NIBIT) celebrates the International Clinical Trials' Day on Biotherapy of Cancer under the auspices of ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network) and with the sponsorship of Alliance against Cancer and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Click here to download the pdf program

23 May, 2008 - Scientific Conference: "Discovering new worlds in medicine towards nanoapplication in cancer prevention and treatment"

Nanoscience offers a chance to make a significant progress in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Interacting with normal and cancer cells at molecular and cellular scale in real time is being applied in two broad areas: the development of nanovectors for drug (or imaging agents) delivery to cancer cells and the design of nanosensor devices for early detection of cancer biological signatures.
The 2008 OECI Scientific Conference aims to explore coming forms of personalized medicine in which an early detection and better comprehension of the disease will define more appropriate and effective treatments of cancer.
Click here to download the pdf program

24 May, 2008 - OECI General Assembly

The OECI General Assembly gathers the main European Cancer Institutions members of OECI and represents an important forum to meet regularly, exchange opinions, and formulate working proposals by planning and establishing cooperation initiatives...
Click here to download the pdf program

Tour And Excursions

Tour And Excursions: Guided City Walk, Genova "La Superba", The Eastern "Riviera" and Portofino.

©2025 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634 -

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