Presentation of the Centre
OncoZON, the oncologic network Southeast Netherlands, is a unique network in the Netherlands which has existed for more than ten years.
OncoZON is a collaboration between one university hospital, four top clinical hospitals, four general hospitals, and one institute for radiotherapy covering the whole of oncologic care in the South-East of the Netherlands (ca. 2 million inhabitants). Due to its organization and cooperation it is able to function as one single organization at different locations.
Main Research Activities
The (research) focus of OncoZON is ‘survival with preservation of function’ and following the philosophy of ‘Positive Health’ of Machteld Huber meaning improvement of health of the community and restoration of all functions determining personal health, being bodily functions, mental well-being, daily functioning, social participation, meaning, and quality of life. All (clinical and) research lines are committed to this focus and have a strong translational character.
(Patient-related) scientific research is a standard agenda item in the regional tumor groups to promote research collaborations and expand the inclusion of patients in clinical trials.
The number of scientific publications amounts to more than 500, more than 120 clinical studies are running, and more than 50 PhD theses are finished yearly.
Core Facilities
The network provides the full spectrum of diagnostic, treatment and aftercare options for all types of cancer. It enables the use of the full spectrum of highly specialized diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. All institutions are contractually committed to following the same procedures and protocols which are developed in 16 regional tumor working groups in which each hospital participates.
The full spectrum of education (academic, post graduate, nursing, etc.) is given. Medical bachelor and master education follow the principle of problem-based learning and for all employees there is a strong focus on and support for continuing professional development. Within the network partners assist each other to achieve the required standards of training and educating.