AUH som Comprehensive Cancer Centre - AUH til fagpersoner
Presentation of AUH
Aarhus University Hospital (AUH) holds ambitions for the highest possible standards in cancer care, and is committed to treatment, education and research with a patient centred approach. AUH is a local hospital covering 350,000+ citizens in the city of Aarhus and a highly specialized hospital for patients in Central Denmark Region with a regional catchment area of 1,4 million inhabitants. AUH employs 10,500 persons across 55 departments and covers all types of cancer treatment. In 2023, AUH had more than 35,500 cancer patients and performed 11,400 cancer procedures.
Main Research Activities
AUH and Aarhus University (AU) have a broad range of cancer research ranging from basic science to clinical research including intervention trials. AUH and AU have outstanding scientific facilities, an extensive international network and the clinical trial units have more than 50 ongoing cancer trials. In 2023, 697 peer-reviewed cancer articles were published.
Core Facilities
The diagnostic facilities are outstanding and include: seven PET-CT, 1 PET-MRI, 15 MRI, 6 gamma cameras of which 4 are coupled with CT-scan, 16 CT-scans, 3 cyclotrons, several endoscopy wards and 3 surgical robots. AUH covers most of the modern radiotherapy techniques including a national proton therapy centre and several treatments with radionuclide therapy. AUH also houses cancer biobanks, a high-performance computing facility and an extensive next-generation sequencing facility with access to whole-genome sequencing.
AUH highly prioritizes education of health care professionals in collaboration with Aarhus University and VIA University College. The education program covers medical students, PhD students, physicians, nurses and several supporting disciplines.