Tackling mental Health cancer patients and their families: digital solutions for better care

EU4H Action Grants - Call: EU4H-2023-PJ - Topic: EU4H-2023-PJ-06
Type of Action: EU4H-Project Grants - Proposal number: 101161236
36 months

Project summary

As of 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported cancer as the world's second-leading cause of death, impacting patients across age groups and vulnerable subjects. Psychological issues like anxiety, depression, emotional distress, fear of recurrence, and cognitive impairment are prevalent among cancer patients and their carers, affecting treatment adherence.

Digital systems, due to their cost-effectiveness and accessibility, play a vital role in improving patient well-being and engagement in their cancer journey while mitigating geographical barriers.

In this line, this project aims to develop and implement the web-based Althea platform that would facilitate the screening of mental health issues among cancer patients and their families while supporting healthcare providers in accessing up-to-date educational materials and delivering tailored psychological support.

The Althea solutions will provide systematic screening for psychological and cognitive impairment, and promote their access to informational material and targeted psychological support. Specifically, the Althea platform will trigger systematic screening of the mental health status of paediatric, adolescent, adult cancer patients, their caregivers, and family members, timely identifying individuals at high level of risk to develop mental health issues.

Additionally, the Althea system will equip healthcare providers with the necessary tools and resources ensuring timely and accurate identification of potential mental health issues and fostering referral to personalized mental health support for patients and their caregivers throughout their cancer journey.

The creation and deployment of scalable, accessible, and personalized solutions for the screening and provision of psychological support to cancer patients and their families stand as a pivotal component within the domain of public health, carrying substantial socioeconomic ramifications.

Keywords: Mental health, digital intervention, psycho-oncology, cognitive impairment, systematic screening, psychological support, mental health disparities, mental health care access.

On September 30 – October 1, the ALTHEA Kick-Off Meeting took place at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan.

©2025 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634
www.oeci.eu - oeci@oeci.eu

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