Joint Action on European Networks of Expertise

EU4H-2021-JA-04 JANE
Affiliated Entity to Italy
WP2 - WP9 OMICS Network of Excellence for Cancer

Project summary

JANE is a Joint Action to establish six new Networks of Expertise in the cancer field in the following domains: personalized primary prevention; survivorship; palliative care; omic technologies; hi-tech medical resources; one or more complex & poor-prognosis cancer(s). The Joint Action will have two goals: 1) to prepare everything necessary to launch the new Networks of Expertise; 2) to critically evaluate existing models of current and future EU networking with a view to optimizing the functioning of the new Networks of Expertise. The project’s management goal is to bring about the creation of 6 Networks of Expertise, with the final deliverable for each being a call for expressions of interest. One Work Package will be assigned to each Network of Expertise. It is envisaged to have 5 Transversal Task Forces and one additional Work Package that will operate transversally to all the Work Packages which focus directly on the creation of the Networks. The subject of the Transversal Task Forces and the additional Work Package will be: sustainability; integration between EU networking and MSs; integration between information-technology infrastructures, including the use of artificial-intelligence tools; integration between health care and research; the ERN model; patient involvement. The ambition of this Joint Action is to bring about new Networks of Expertise able to function effectively, building on previous and ongoing EU networking experiences, and finding solutions rooted in the European oncology community. Health care networking can be a privileged hallmark of the EU, having the potential to target the health of half a million citizens in a highly coordinated fashion.

©2025 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634 -

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