OECI Oncology Days 2025

11-13 June 2025

Athens - Greece

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Special Diet:
A&D Board meeting  -  10/06/2025 11.00 - 13.00
Restricted to A&D Board Members
OECI Board & Extended Board Meeting  -  10/06/2025 14.00 - 18.00
Restricted to OECI Board and Extended Board Members
OECI Board and A&D Board Dinner  -  10/06/2025 20.00 - 21.30
Restricted to OECI Board and A&D Board Members
A&D Session 1  -  11/06/2025 08.45 - 10.45
A&D Session 2  -  11/06/2025 11.00 - 13.00
Scientific Conference Session 1 - Artificial Intelligence and Preventive Care: The Future State of Oncology  -  11/06/2025 14.00 - 16.00
Revitalised OECI Patients WG Session  -  11/06/2025 16.30 - 18.30
Quality of Life in Oncology / EUonQoL project OR Cancer Economics WG Sessions  -  12/06/2025 08.45 - 10.45
Scientific Conference Session 2 - Oncology Care at Home  -  12/06/2025 11.00 - 13.00
Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures for the European Union CCI4EU - CSA Session  -  12/06/2025 14.00 - 16.00
Accreditation & Designation Auditors Session  -  12/06/2025 16.30 - 18.30
General Assembly - Administrative Session  -  13/06/2025 08.30 - 10.00
Restricted to Delegates of OECI Members (with proxi and voting rights) and Associate Members (without voting rights)
Open discussion with Members & Close of the 2025 General Assembly Scientific Session  -  13/06/2025 10.15 - 12.30
Restricted to Delegates of OECI Members and Associate Members
Social event  -  11/06/2025
Number of Attendants:

Gala Dinner  -  12/06/2025 20.00 - 22.00
Number of Attendants:

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©2025 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634
www.oeci.eu - oeci@oeci.eu

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