Presentation of the Institute
IEPOR was established on July 7, 1960 with the aim "to strengthen research in the field of oncology, provide practical assistance to health care and training of qualified oncologists"
Today it is powerful academic center that is recognized as the leading center. We combine experimental research with designing and implementation of the novel methods of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. IEPOR pays great attention to cooperation in the field of molecular and cellular oncology, pathophysiology, biophysics, biochemistry, nano- and biotechnology with leading research and educational institutions in Europe and USA.
Since 1979 IEPOR issues international journal “Experimental Oncology” that is indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed/NLM Catalog, EMBASE, SCOPUS, Index Copernicus, BIOSIS Previews, EBSCO.
Main Research Activities:
Detection of malignant transformation markers and identification of signs of tumor stem cells' patterns for early cancer diagnosis, treatment, disease prognosis
Studies of tumor cells' biological properties and factors of their microenvironment to develop methodology for individualized correction of «Tumor-Host» interaction
Investigations of molecular genetic bases of metabolic processes regulation in tumor disease, development of biotechnological and sorption means of their pharmacological correction
Studies of the effects of nanoparticles and nanocomposites on the metabolism of normal and tumor cells, development of approaches to targeted therapy
Investigations of the carcinogenic environmental factors impact on the process of oncogenesis, development of effective means for cancer prevention.
Core Facilities
5 Departments: Tumor Monitoring & Therapy Design; Cancer Genetics & Onco-Hematology; Biological Effects of Ionizing a& Non-Ionizing Radiation; Tumor Biochemistry&Oncopharmacology; Means & Methods of Sorption Therapy
5 Laboratories: Mechanisms of Drug Resistance; Tumor Biochemistry & Oncopharmacology; Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Transformation; Oncoimmunology & Antitumor Vaccine Design; Problems of Metastatic Microenvironment
The National Bank of Cell Lines from Human and Animal Tissues, which contains more than 30,000 cryopreserved samples of typical and original cell lines from normal and tumor tissues of humans and different animal species, etc.
We are accredited for PhD and Doc Sci education in programs on biology, medicine (specialty: oncology). In cooperation with the Department of Fundamental Medicine of Kyiv National University IEPOR is approved for Bachelors and Masters’ education