Description of the centre and its history
Established in 2014, the Comprehensive Cancer Center Munich (CCC Munich) is a German Cancer Aid designated Center of Excellence in Oncology. It aligns two university hospitals, the LMU Klinikum and the TUM Klinikum. This successful collaboration has resulted in well-established synergistic structures for cutting edge cancer care, excellent high-level research, outreach and education.
Main Research Activities
The CCC Munich has greatly expanded its expertise in the field of prevention, patient-oriented research, new medical technologies in precision medicine, molecular stratification/therapy, and immune-oncology. Ares of expertise are supported by multidisciplinary programs for bi-directional translation, proof-of-concept studies, and clinical research programs. These focus areas are further strengthened by a dedicated infrastructure for data management/artificial intelligence.
Core Facilities
An excellent and broad ranging spectrum of techniques, specialized centers and equipment is provided such as: phase I/II units, a clinical trial center, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, translational cancer research, a Center of Organoid Systems and Tissue Engineering, facilities for bioimaging and bioinformatics and a GMP Facility.
With the aim of improving access to education and training at the highest academic level, the CCC Munich offers numerous education and qualification programs for the general population, patients, students and HCPs.